Slitherly Snake: Snake Basics
Answer these questions about snakes before the slitherly snake sneaks off the side of the screen.
General Shop Safety
Students will learn some general safety rules when using basic equipment in the shop area.
Automatic VS Hand Milking
Game played through snake that ask questions about automatic/machine milking vs hand milking. Help to learn about the differences between the two.
You have to guess what type of food it is
The Life Cycle of a Chicken
Sequence the life cycle of a chicken correctly and you win.
Nutrition in Adolescents
Learn some key things about nutrition in adolescence
Secuencia de Resiembra Jardinería (Gardening Practices)
Este juego reúne la secuencia de las prácticas de jardinería realizadas... serías capaz de ordenar las labores para la realización de una resiembra?
One of these things is not like the others - Fruits and Vegetables
Categorization of fruits and vegetables
Knowledge Types and Sources
Identify the types and sources of knowledge, and the common terms associated with them
Science: Animal and Plant Family
All about animals and plants.