Linux File Systems
You'll be introduced to various Linux and UNIX file system types.
Commonly Used Linux Acronyms
You'll test your familiarity with some commonplace Linux acronyms.
NetBIOS Suffix Home Run
You'll build your knowledge of NetBIOS suffixes.
Operating System (OS) Acronyms
Test your familiarity with OS acronyms commonly used in the computer industry.
Software Acronyms
You'll be introduced to some of the acronyms you'll run into when working with software on an operating system.
Computer Measurement Acronyms
Discover some measurement acronyms commonly used in the computer industry.
Common Hardware Acronyms
You'll be introduced to some common hardware acronyms used within the computer industry.
More Protocol Acronyms
You'll be introduced to protocol acronyms commonly used in the computer industry.
CPU Socket Home Run
You'll determine if a socket design is compatible with AMD or Intel Processors.
Linux Shell Metacharacters
You'll learn to identify the purpose of several bash shell metacharacters.