Win this game by recalling and answering correctly the figures of speech you have learned: simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole. Do your best!
Lord of the Flies Review - Chapters 5-8
Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Time to get your review on!
Simple Future Tense Practice
This game is a review of simple future tense forms 'will + base verb' and 'be-verb + going to + base verb'.
Daily Routines
Kids 4 - St. Patrick's Institute
B2 English Evaluation.
A game to test your knowledge on the most important aspects for the B2 level of English.
Συνώνυμα-Αντώνυμα 3 (Synonyms & Antonyms Greek)
Γλωσσικές ασκήσεις
Articoli (Articles: Singular vs. Plural)
Articoli: singolare vs. plurale
Greek Indefinite Articles
Choose the correct definite article for each greek noun
French Croque-Monsieur Vocabulary
Extreme Sports
To practice extreme sports!!!