Executive Branch
Test your knowledge of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government.
U.S. Supreme Court Cases
Us Supreme court cases
Civics - Unit 2: Legislative Branch and Linkage Institutions
Legislative Branch and Linkage Institutions
U.S. Government: Symbols, Songs and Structures
Test your knowledge of the U.S. government.From Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government.https://bensguide.gpo.gov/learning-adventures-14more?id=38&age=ben9_13
Founding Documents Digital Review Game (civics)
Will help in review
U.S. Presidents #23-45 Triviatron
Learn the second half of the U.S. Presidents.
Govt 2305 - Political Opinion - Ch 08 Part 1
This game reviews students on the American Government topic of political opinion.
The Texas Legislature - Govt 2306 Chapter 7
This is a practice game on the Texas Legislature - Govt. 2306 Chapter 7
Practice Game on Federalism. Govt. 2305 Chapter 3
Hak, Kewajiban dan Tanggung Jawab (Rights, Obligations and Responsibilities)
Game ini akan menguji kemampuanmu membedakan mana hak, kewajiban, dan tanggung jawab orang.