Social and Emotional Learning
SEL is a support for how the brain naturally learns, or brain-based learning. An outgrowth of SEL is social and emotional safety; which children need at school, along with physical and creative safety, to learn optimally.
Hang The Moon: Terminologia Clássica Francesa
Encontre o termo em francês para a descrição. (Find the french term corresponding to the Portuguese description)
Jogo de Terminologia Para Gastronomia 1: INGREDIENTES BÁSICOS
De acordo com o Dicionário ilustrado Les ingrédients, responda:
Jogo De Terminologia 1: Bimestre 2 - Métiers
Responda conforme solicitado de acordo com a apostila Métiers da gastronomia francesa
Jogo De Terminologia 2: bimestre 2 - Ustensiles & Equipements
Responda conforme solicitado de acordo com apostila Utensilios/equipamentos de cozinha
English as a Foreign Language: Jobs
For EFL G5 students
Jogo Culinários Crossword: Slides 4 Bimestre 2
responda de acordo com conteúdo slides 4
Jogo Culinários Spin to Win: Slides 4 Bimestre 2
It's a what? National (Aus) Training Packages and units
National (Aus) Training Packages and units - what are they all about? Do you know? Press solve and give it a try
Learning Styles in 5 Questions!
A quick overview of learning styles - "hangman"/hangmoon style!