Experimental Design and Hypothesis Testing Review Game
This is meant to be a fun review game for some of the key concepts covered regarding hypothesis testing and experimental design.
AP Psychology — Sensation
Review of Biological Psychology; Sensation and Perception
Ap Psychology Jeopardy
Extra credit!
This is a fun game on some of the main topics discussed in AP psychology. Do your best!!!
AP Psychology Play for an "A"
A game of jeopardy covering each of the five units we have covered this semester. Note: The fourth question for each category goes along with the Memory & Cognition Unit because the game only allowed four categories.
Memory of the Brain
A game that tests the player's knowledge of the brain areas.
Zones of Regulation
Test your knowledge on the Zones of Regulation.
Unit 6- Developmental Psychology
This Jeopardy-style review game goes over concepts learned in the Developmental Psychology unit (Unit 6) of AP Psychology.
Jeopardy Special Populations
Career counseling for special populations
Team Dynamics
This game tests the contestants' knowledge about team dynamics.