Noun/Pronoun Agreement: Exercise 1
By Rosie Bunnow
In this learning activity you'll select the correct pronoun to match the given noun.
Identifying Acceptable Paraphrases
By Jennifer Madej
In this learning activity you'll identify acceptable paraphrases of source material.
Diagramming Sentences
By Deborah Kunkle
Learners study the process used to diagram sentences, and then work through numerous exercises to test their knowledge.
Possessive Nouns
By Wanda Lay
In this learning activity you'll review possessive form of nouns. You'll demonstrate competency by typing in the correct response.
Creating and Formatting a Memo
By Deborah Seline
In this learning activity you'll explore different reasons to write a memo and how to create it.
Identifying Incorrect Sentences
By Dan Rooney, Tracy Helixon
In this interactive object, learners identify run-on sentences, comma splices, and sentence fragments.
Personal Pronouns - Exercise 2
In this learning activity you'll complete exercises using personal pronouns as subjects or objects.
Subject / Verb Agreement - Exercise 1
In this learning activity you'll complete exercises matching subjects and verbs in number.
Writing Effective Paraphrases (Screencast)
In this screencast, you'll review paraphrasing brief, non-fiction passages.
Communication: Identifying Active and Passive Voice
By Elizabeth Jones
The learner will identify active and passive voice and distinguish between the two.
Thinking About the Topic: Brainstorming
Brainstorming helps find new ideas to problems. Learn how you can use brainstorming to write a paper, give a speech, or work on a group project. In this video, you’ll explore what brainstorming is and how to use it.
Singular Possessive Nouns
By SWTC Communication Department
Students review the rules for writing the possessive form of most singular nouns. They then complete an exercise.
Plural Nouns: Words Ending in "o"
Students review the rule for pluralizing nouns ending in the letter "o." They then complete an exercise.
Confusing Words -- Their, There, They're (Practice)
The student reviews definitions of their/there/they're and completes a practice exercise. The print and email function at the end has been disabled.
Plural Nouns - Ordinary Spellings
Students review the rule for pluralizing most nouns. They then complete an exercise.
Indefinite Pronouns / Possessive Case - Exercise 2
In this learning activity you'll complete exercises using indefinite pronouns in the possessive case.
Confusing Words--Past, Passed
The student reviews definitions of past/passed and completes a practice exercise.
Thinking About the Topic: Free Writing
In this learning activity you'll create a free writing document on a topic.
Thinking About the Topic: Considering Your Purpose for Writing
In this learning activity you'll review the four main purposes for writing documents: expressive, literary, persuasive, and reality.
Vocabulary/Spelling Quiz
By Pamela West
The student sees a list of 30 of the most often misspelled words used in business. In one exercise, the student listens to each word and then keys in the spelling of that word. In the next exercise, the student matches synonyms.
Plural Nouns - Words Ending in "y"
Students read about how to make the plural form of nouns that end in "y." They then complete an exercise.
Confusing Words--It's, Its
The student reviews definitions of it's/its and completes a practice exercise.
Singular and Plural Nouns Ending in an "s" Sound
Students review the rule for writing the possessive form of singular nouns that end in an "s" sound. They then complete exercises.
Plural Possessive Nouns
Students review the rules for how to make the possessive form of plural nouns. They then complete an exercise.
Plural Possessive Nouns II
Students receive more practice in writing the possessive form of plural nouns.