Multiplying Monomials
By Roy Peterson
In this learning activity you'll identify and calculate the multiplication of monomials.
Slope and Intercept on Graphing Calculators
By Ron Keys
The learner reads directions for finding the slope, intercept, and correlation coefficient for a group of ordered pairs using one of eight different scientific calculators.
Gear Ratio Concepts (Screencast)
By James Bourassa
In this screencast, learners examine the concept of gear ratios. The number of teeth, diameters, and velocity relationships are discussed and calculated using linear ratio equations.
Solving Equations: Properties of Equality
By Allen Reed, Douglas Jensen
In this interactive object, learners examine the properties of equality and use those properties to solve simple equations.
Factoring a Quadratic Trinomial
In this learning activity you'll factor an algebraic expression of the form AX(Squared) + BX + C using the FOIL technique.
Karnaugh Maps
By Patrick Hoppe
Learners examine the Karnaugh map for a three-variable system. Several examples are given.
An Algebraic Word Problem Involving Motion: Case 2
By Kevin Ritzman
In this animated object, learners use an algebraic formula to solve the following problem: An airplane travels a certain distance with the wind in the same amount of time that it takes to travel a shorter distance against the wind. Given a constant wind speed, what is the speed of the plane without a wind?
Excel: Determining the Square Root of a Complex Number
Learners view the steps for determining the square root of a complex number in Excel.
A Visual Approach To Simplifying Radicals
In this animated object, learners follow a process for simplifying radicals.
Fundamental Laws of Algebra
Learners review the fundamental laws of algebra including the commutative law of addition, the commutative law of multiplication, the associative law of addition, the associative law of multiplication, and the distributive law. Examples are given.
Excel: Entering a Complex Number
Learners examine the complex number function to convert real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number.
Identifying the Number of Significant Digits
By Ron Wallberg
Learners will identify the number of significant digits in practice problems.
The TI-83 Plus Calculator: Using the LOG Function
Students follow the correct keystrokes to calculate the logarithm of a number.
Statics: Resultant Calculations via Graphical Method
By Steve Whitmoyer
In this interactive learning object, students calculate a resultant of multiple forces acting in a concurrent, coplanar condition.
Numerical Curiosities: Part 4
By Jeganathan Sriskandarajah
In this fourth part in a series, learners follow the steps of the “mathemagician” to examine three numerical curiosities: Be a Psychic by Predicting Birthdays, Predict a Card with Mind Reading, and Predict the Three Die Values Your Opponent Has Rolled. Learners will also study palindromic numbers and look at two alphametric puzzles.
Joint Variation
By Terry Lark
In this learning activity you'll practice calculating a joint variation problem.
Quadratic Variation
In this learning activity you'll practice calculating a quadratic variation problem.
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions: Multiplication
Learners read definitions of the terminology associated with algebraic operations and then follow steps to use the fundamental laws of multiplication to simplify algebraic expressions.
Variation - Application Problems
In this learning activity you'll practice two variation application problems.
Numerical Curiosities: Part 2
In part 2 of this series, learners follow the steps of the “mathemagician” to examine these numerical curiosities: The 189 Challenge; An Armstrong Number: What’s Special About 153? Is 495 Different or Indifferent? Is 6174 Different or Indifferent? It is always 618, and Beginning and Ending the Same.
In this learning object you'll review direct, inverse, joint, quadratic, and combined variations.
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions: Division
Learners read definitions of the terminology associated with algebraic operations and then follow steps to use the fundamental laws of division to simplify algebraic expressions.
Solving Systems of Linear Equations Using the Addition or Subtraction Method (Screencast)
In a series of practice problems, learners use the addition or subtraction method to solve systems of linear equations, also called "simultaneous linear equations."
Numerical Curiosities: Part 3
In this interactive object, part 3 in a series, learners follow the steps of the “mathemagician” to examine four numerical curiosities: What’s Special About 1089, Perfect Squares: 1089 and 9801, The Mathematical Significance of 1776, and The Calculator Number Game. The learner will also study six number patterns and look at one remarkable table. Immediate feedback is provided.
Combined Variation
In this learning activity you'll practice calculating a combined variation problem.