Indirect Measurement Instruments
By Kelly Curran
The learner will define indirect measurement, identify common indirect measuring tools, and select the proper measuring tool for the situation.
Troubleshooting a Three Phase Motor that is Overheating
By Excelsior College
In this simulation activity, an electrician will troubleshoot an AC motor that is overheating. Before accessing blueprints and then using a multimeter to find the fault, the learner will follow safety protocols by following lock-out tag-out procedures and then suit up with appropriate (PPE) personal protection equipment.
Cutting Tapers Using the Tailstock Offset Method
In this video, you’ll explore how to calculate, setup, and cut a taper using the tailstock offset method.
How to Read a Caliper
By Barbara Anderegg
In this interactive object, learners review how to read a caliper. They then test their skills with eight practice questions.
Engine Lathe: Basic Components and Operation
In this video, you’ll explore the engine lathe, its basic components, and you’ll learn to operate its machine controls.
Using Blueprints to Troubleshoot a Defective Compressor Motor
In this simulation activity, an electrician troubleshoots a defective compressor motor that will not start. To find the problem, the learner selects the appropriate blueprints that must be referred to while performing the troubleshooting steps. Then safety protocols will be followed, such as making lockout-tag out installations and donning PPE items before taking measurements with a multimeter to locate the faulty component.
The Dial Caliper
Learners review guidelines for the proper use of a dial caliper. Illustrations appear throughout the learning object.
Using Blueprints to Troubleshoot a Defective Water Pump
In this simulation activity, an electrician troubleshoots a defective water pump that will not start. To find the problem, the learner selects the appropriate blueprints that must be referred to while performing the troubleshooting steps. Then safety protocols will be followed, such as making lockout-tag out installations and donning PPE items before taking measurements with a multimeter to locate the faulty component.
The Care and Use of a Caliper
By Phil Peters
The learner examines the four different ways that a caliber can be used to measure dimensions and distances.
Manufacturing PPE Mini-Sim
This activity is a simulation that allows the learner to practice personal protective equipment tasks.
Measurement Madness
By Wisc-Online
Test your skills at reading a ruler.
Steel Rules Test
In this learning activity you'll test your knowledge of the different types of steel rules as well as how to use and read them correctly.
Orthographic Sketching
By Jessie Jelinski
The learner will understand how to view an object for interpretation in the standard orthographic format and then accurately sketch three orthographic views using 3rd angle projection.
Sine Bar Quiz
In this learning activity you'll calculate sine bar problems.
Reading Vernier Height Gage Quiz
Students take a 13-question quiz to practice reading 25- and 50-division Vernier height gages.
Sine Bar
In this learning activity you'll examine how a sine bar is used to measure angles.
Hexadecimal Number Conversion Practice Problems
By Patrick Hoppe
In this learning activity you'll practice converting between hexadecimal and decimal and between hexadecimal and binary numbers.
Using a Depth Micrometer
By Terry Fleischman
Learners will test their ability to read a depth micrometer in this interactive quiz.
Practical Trigonometry (Screencast)
After a brief review, the student solves five practical shop problems using right angle trigonometry.
Print Reading: An Alphabet of Lines in Print Reading
In this animated activity, learners read about the types of lines found on blueprints. A quiz completes the activity.
Communicating in the Workplace
By Jennifer Heinritz
Compare the behaviors and situations that interfere with effective communication in the workplace with those that enhance listening skills and career performance.
The Speed-Power Product
Learners examine how to multiply the gate propagation delay by the gate power dissipation to find the speed-power product. Examples are shown.
Everyone Knows How to Use a Ruler, Right?
Students review the best practices for using a ruler and answer five basic questions.
Gage Block Combinations Review
By Kelly Curran, Janet Braun
In this learning activity you'll test your ability to select the proper gage blocks when making a stack.
The Absolute Rotary Encoder
By cebery
The learner will gain an understanding of robot motion control by comprehending the fundamentals of the encoder.