Possessive Practice
By Claudia Zins
In this learning activity you'll review how to use possessive nouns and play a game using them.
Noun/Pronoun Agreement: Exercise 1
By Rosie Bunnow
In this learning activity you'll select the correct pronoun to match the given noun.
Identifying Acceptable Paraphrases
By Jennifer Madej
In this learning activity you'll identify acceptable paraphrases of source material.
Diagramming Sentences
By Deborah Kunkle
Learners study the process used to diagram sentences, and then work through numerous exercises to test their knowledge.
Possessive Nouns
By Wanda Lay
In this learning activity you'll review possessive form of nouns. You'll demonstrate competency by typing in the correct response.
Practice With Suffixes (Nouns)
By Susan Herscher
Students add suffixes to base words to form nouns in this interactive lesson.
Writing a Sentence Outline (Screencast)
By Dr. Rose Marie Mastricola
In this screencast, you'll examine writing a sentence outline using complete sentences for headings, subheadings, main points, and subpoints.
How to Listen Better (Screencast)
By Barbara Liang
The learner examines what it means to listen respectively and how to become a better listener.
Creating and Using Presentation Note Cards
In this learning activity you'll create presentation note cards to use during your speech.
Personal Pronouns - Exercise 2
In this learning activity you'll complete exercises using personal pronouns as subjects or objects.
Identifying Incorrect Sentences
By Dan Rooney, Tracy Helixon
In this interactive object, learners identify run-on sentences, comma splices, and sentence fragments.
Using Commas In a Series - Nouns
By Fay Wagner
In this learning activity you'll review the rules for using commas to divide nouns written in a series and complete an activity.
Using Commas in a Series
Students insert commas to divide nouns, verbs, and adjectives when the words are written in a series. This practice exercise provides immediate feedback.
Parts of Speech in Sentences: The Order of Operations
By David Hardgrove
Learners identify the parts of speech by following a certain order until each word in a sentence is labeled. In a variety of exercises, learners practice finding verbs, prepositional phrases, subjects, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions.
Practice with Prefixes #1
Students practice adding some of the basic prefixes to words in the English language.
Using "They're," "There," and "Their" Correctly
By Joan Hoffmann
In this learning activity you'll review and practice using "they're," "there," and "their" correctly.
Subject / Verb Agreement - Exercise 1
In this learning activity you'll complete exercises matching subjects and verbs in number.
Using Commas in a Series - Verbs
In this learning activity you'll review the rule for using commas to divide verbs written in a series and do an interactive exercise.
Writing Effective Paraphrases (Screencast)
In this screencast, you'll review paraphrasing brief, non-fiction passages.
Possessive Practice: Self-Check
In this learning activity you'll practice using possessive nouns.
Plural Nouns: Words Ending in "o"
By SWTC Communication Department
Students review the rule for pluralizing nouns ending in the letter "o." They then complete an exercise.
Singular Possessive Nouns
Students review the rules for writing the possessive form of most singular nouns. They then complete an exercise.
GED Essay Writing -- Formula for Success
By Laurie Jarvis
In this learning activity you'll review the format for a five-paragraph essay, which is the second part of the GED Writing Test.
Language: Specific and Abstract
By Mary Brignall
In this learning activity you'll arrange words from abstract or general language to specific language.
Can You Speak Hmong?
By Virginia Kirsch
In this learning activity you'll see and hear basic Hmong phrases.