Summary Writing (Screencast)
By David Wehmeyer
In this screencast, students demonstrate an understanding of summary writing by reading step-by-step instructions and then summarizing short paragraphs. Examples of summaries that are poorly written, as well as those that are written well, are included.
Identifying the Topic
By Rhonda Towne
Learners identify topic words from a group of related words and choose topic statements for short passages.
Matching In-Text Documentation to a Works Cited Page
By Bev Paulick
In this learning activity you'll identify correctly formatted MLA citations.
Identifying the Main Idea
By Mary Frings
In this interactive object, learners read short paragraphs and then select the main idea of each selection.
Comprehension Power: Becoming an Active Reader
By Barbara Laedtke
In this interactive learning object, learners follow a strategy for identifying specific and general topics to improve their ability to find the main idea of a passage.