Series-Parallel DC Circuits Analysis
By Patrick Hoppe
Learners follow a methodical approach for the dc analysis of series-parallel circuits.
Current in a Series Circuit
By Terry Bartelt
In this learning activity you'll determine what happens to current flow in a series circuit when the resistance is changed.
Resistor Color Code Practice
In this learning activity you'll build a resistor's color code based on the bands.
Series Circuit Analysis Practice Problems Part 1
In this interactive object, learners solve for total resistance and current, the current through each resistor, the voltage across each resistor, and the power dissipated.
The Superposition Theorem
The superposition theorem is explained as it relates to dc circuit analysis. Examples are given.
Series-Parallel Circuit Analysis: Practice Problems Circuit 1
In this interactive object, learners analyze a series-parallel DC circuit problem in a series of steps. Immediate feedback is provided.
Schematic Diagram Symbols
In this learning activity you'll review various types of common components used in electronics and view their schematic diagram symbols.
Abbreviations Representing Electrical Quantities
In this learning activity you'll identify abbreviations that represent quantities associated with electrical circuits.
Measuring Current in a Parallel Circuit
In this interactive learning object, students view the ammeter connections for measuring currents in a parallel circuit with three branches on an energy concepts lab board. A brief quiz completes the activity.
Rotating Vector Representation of the Sine Function
The learner will be able to represent steady-state AC sinusoidal signals using phasors, which will lead to a simplified technique of analyzing AC circuits in a very similar way that we analyze DC circuits.
What Is Electricity?
The learner studies how electrons travel from one atom to the next. Examples demonstrate how voltage is created by the use of a battery or through magnetism. A quiz completes the activity.
Shorts Affecting Current in a Series Circuit
In this learning activity you'll review how a short affects current flow and voltage in a series circuit.
The Magnetron Ignition System
Learners read an explanation of how the Magnetron Ignition System uses a solid state switching component, a step-up transformer, and magnetism to provide a high voltage spark in a one-cylinder combustion engine.
Effects of a Rheostat in a Series Circuit
In this animated object, learners examine how the way in which a rheostat is connected in series with other resistors causes current and voltage to change as the resistance is varied. A brief quiz completes the activity.
Ohm's Law Practice Problems #1
Learners review Ohm's Law and then work 12 problems. In each of the problems, students are given two of the three variables (voltage, resistance, or current) and are asked to solve for the third.
Op Amps 2: The Non-Inverting Amplifier
By Todd Van De Hey
The learner will describe the non-inverting op-amp configuration and calculate the circuit gain.
Power Calculations in a Series/Parallel Circuit
In this learning activity you'll explore various ways to calculate the power consumed in a series/parallel circuit.
Capacitors Series - Parallel: Practice Problems
Students complete 10 practice problems.
Electrical Switches & Pushbuttons
In this learning activity you'll review the operation and schematic symbols of various types of switches and push buttons used for electronic circuits.
Norton's Theorem
Learners follow the steps for reducing all of the elements of a complex circuit to a single current source and a single source resistance to create a simple circuit. Several examples are given for dc circuits. The conversion between Thevenin and Norton is also presented.
Parallel Inductance: Practice Problems
Students work nine practice problems to determine the total inductance of a parallel circuit. Immediate feedback is given.
Opens and Shorts in a Parallel Circuit
Learners examine the changes in current and voltage values in a parallel circuit when open and short conditions develop. Ohm's Law calculations are shown, and a brief quiz completes the activity.
Resistor Color Code Description
In this interactive activity, students read about the colored stripes on a resistor and interpret the placement of those colors to determine the value of four-band resistors.
Opens Affecting Current in a Series Circuit
In this learning activity you'll review how an open in a series circuit affects current.
Total Resistance in a Parallel Circuit
The learner will apply the three formulas used to find the total resistance of three types of parallel resistor circuit configurations.