Orthographic Sketching
By Jessie Jelinski
The learner will understand how to view an object for interpretation in the standard orthographic format and then accurately sketch three orthographic views using 3rd angle projection.
Line Type Identification
Decimals to Fractions
The Absolute Rotary Encoder
By cebery
The learner will gain an understanding of robot motion control by comprehending the fundamentals of the encoder.
Through Arc Seam Tracking (TAST)
Robotic welding is revolutionizing welder safety, efficiency, and technique. Knowing how to program a robotic welder is key in this ever-changing industry. In this module you’ll explore what Through-Arc Seam Tracking (TAST) is, discover how it works, and see it applied on the job.
The Six-Axis Robot
The learner will view videos showing the movements of each axis of the six-axis robot.
Types of Motion Instructions
The learner will identify the types of motion instructions used for programming a robot.
Avoiding Singularity
The learner will identify components of a welding robot and determine if the robot is set up correctly to avoid singularity.
The Strain Wave Gear Principle
The learner will understand the inner workings of the strain wave gear principle.
Interpreting Thread Notes
The learner will be able to read and interpret thread notes from a print.
Safety Scene - Grinding Edition
In this learning activity you'll recognize potential safety hazards around grinding equipment
Calling Programs from Inputs
By Pat Medd
Robotic welding is an increasingly popular tool used in industrial welding applications. Knowing how to program the robot is key. Explore how to improve your programming skills by using if-then-else, calls and unconditional jumps in this learning activity.
Safety Scene - Welding Edition
In this activity you'll identify several hazards in a welding environment.
The Cycloidal Gear Drive
The learner will gain an understanding of the inner workings of the cycloidal gear drive while watching a video and listening to an explanation of its features.
Improving Your Welding Technique
Learners will follow general tips and tricks for improving their basic welding technique.
SMAW Electrode Characteristics
In this learning activity, you’ll explore the characteristics of common, carbon steel shielded metal arc welding electrodes, which fall under American Welding Society specification A5.1.
Setting Up a Wire Feeder for GMAW
By Dave Hoffman
In this animated and interactive object, learners follow steps that begin with choosing the correct drive roll and include feeding the electrode wire from the spool to the welding gun.
Understanding Circular Robotic Motions
The learner will learn the programming steps that are used to create circular motions with robots.
The Welder's Tool Bag
In this learning object, you’ll explore what tools should be a part of every welding tool bag.
Types of Power Sources for Gas Metal Arc Welding
Learners view wire feed power sources ranging from 110-volt, single phase units to 460-volt, three-phase units. A description and photos of each are provided.
Calls and Unconditional Jumps
Robotic welding is an increasingly popular tool used in industrial welding applications. Knowing how to program the robot is key. Explore how to improve your programming skills by using calls and unconditional jumps in this learning activity.
Setting Shielding Gas Flow for Wire Feed Welding
In this interactive object, the learner reads an explanation of how various shielding gases are used in GMAW and FCAW. An exercise completes the activity.
Selecting Electrodes For Wire Feed Welding
In this interactive object, learners read an explanation of the electrodes used for welding with the GMAW and FCAW processes. In two matching exercises, students test their knowledge of classification and specification numbers.
Appropriate Use of Welding Coupons
This module will guide you thru the use of welding coupons in the welding process.
Acronyms & Terminology of the SDS
Learners will understand the technical terms used in the context of the SDS to help them interpret its information.