In this animated activity, learners examine the circuitry in a DC variable speed drive that causes the motor to accelerate or decelerate at slow rates. This learning object has audio content.
In this animated lesson, learners examine the rectifier circuitry in a DC variable speed drive that supplies the voltages to the field coil and armature.
Automotive Electrical Systems: Effects of a Rheostat in a Series Circuit
In this animated object, learners examine how the way in which a rheostat is connected in series with other resistors causes current and voltage to change as the resistance is varied.
Automotive Electrical Systems: Effects of a Rheostat in a Series-Parallel Circuit.
Learners examine the current and voltage changes in a series-parallel circuit as the resistance value of a rheostat is varied. Illustrations and calculations are included.
Learners compare the experience of driving an auto to the circuit responses of RL (resistance/inductance) circuits and RC (resistance/capacitance) circuits. Acceleration, position, speed, and torque are graphed.
Charging Time Constants of an RC Circuit (Screencast)
In this animated object, students view an explanation of how current, voltage, and the charge on a capacitor of a series RC circuit change during five time constants. A short quiz completes the activity.
Learners explore the use of complex numbers through a series AC circuit analysis problem. The steps are compared to the graphical method of finding circuit impedance and the phase angle.
The student studies the method to calculate complex power where the Vrms of a circuit is multiplied by the complex conjugate of the total circuit current. Several examples are given, along with the power triangle.
Complex Power: The Sum of the Individual Real and Reactive Powers
The learner views a method to find the total complex power of a circuit in which the individual real and reactive powers are found and then added together. Several examples are shown, along with the power triangles.
This animated lesson shows how a ladder circuit causes the cylinder of a hydraulic circuit to continuously extend and retract after a Start button has been pressed.
Current and Voltage Parameters of Digital Circuitry (Screencast)
In this interactive learning object, students read about the voltage and current parameters commonly found on a data sheet. A brief quiz completes the activity.