Studies show that more than 75 percent of all hydraulic system failures are a direct result of unclean oil. In this interactive object, learners examine the three primary types of hydraulic system filters. A brief quiz completes the activity.
This animated lesson demonstrates hydraulic pressure switch applications when the switch is connected to a ladder circuit to operate in a hydraulic system.
In this colorful and animated activity, learners examine the four functions provided by a hydraulic reservoir. A brief quiz completes the learning object.
In this animated activity, learners observe how pressure values throughout a hydraulic system are developed based on pump pressure and the size of the load.
In this interactive object, learners examine how hydraulic oil is contaminated, the types of damage contamination can cause, and the methods used to clean the oil.
In this animated activity, learners examine the three main segments of a hydraulic system: power supply, control, and output. A brief quiz completes the learning object.
This interactive learning object is designed to help learners memorize the color code used on some hydraulic schematic diagrams. Learners quiz themselves using electronic flashcards.
In this animated and interactive object, learners use a color code to understand the operations of a hydraulic circuit. A brief quiz completes the activity.
Learners examine how fluid enters the inlet of a hydraulic pump because of atmospheric pressure and how pressure is created at the pump’s outlet. This object includes audio.
Picture of Adira hydraulic shear's operator's panel with part identification and instructions on how to start and stop the shear as well as setting stroke (cutting length).
In this interactive object, learners set up a shear, enter the back gauge dimension, and prepare to shear metal in a simulation of the Adira Hydraulic Shear.
In this interactive object, learners read how to determine the force created by a hydraulic cylinder during extension and retraction. A brief quiz completes the activity.