In this animated object, learners examine the signals produced at the N.O. (normally open) and N.C. (normally closed) outputs of sourcing and sinking four-wire sensors. A brief quiz completes the activity.
In this animated object, learners examine the switch settings for the on-delay, off-delay, and one-shot timing functions of an optical sensor. A brief quiz completes the activity.
Learners study the operation of the retro-reflective optical sensor, along with the guidelines that should be followed regarding the target size, reflector size, alignment, and the reflectivity of the target.
In this animated activity, learners examine the operation of an ultrasonic sensor and the procedure to perform zero and span adjustments. A brief quiz completes the object.
In this animated and interactive object, learners follow three steps to calibrate an opposed optical sensor. They consider horizontal alignment, the sensitivity setting, and having an effective beam.