Milling Machine Inspection
By Excelsior College
In this simulation activity, the lubrication fluid in a milling machine is tested, the condition of its 24 drill bits are inspected and identified before replacing those that are defective.
Manufacturing PPE Mini-Sim
This activity is a simulation that allows the learner to practice personal protective equipment tasks.
Bloodborne Pathogens: Three Pathogens of Concern
By Terrance Yonash, Jen Bero
This learning object has been created to educate workers about the occupational risks of being exposed to bloodborne pathogens as described in the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.1030- Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.
Hand Tools
By Terry Bartelt, Pat Jensen
Explore some common hand tools you’ll use both at home and at work.
Identifying Hand Tools by Name
In this quiz, you'll practice identifying hand tools by name.
Ladder Safety and Fall Protection
Explore how to prevent injuries caused by falling from ladders or elevated heights by looking at the parts of a ladder, ladder safety rules, and personal fall protection systems.
Electrical Grounding
In this learning module, you'll explore what electrical grounding is, how it works, and some real-world applications.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Explore the different types of personal protective equipment, which protects you against workplace hazards
Bloodborne Pathogens: Risks of Exposure and Means of Transmission
In this interactive object, learners read about the occupations that are most at risk for bloodborne pathogen exposure. They also read about the most common pathogens and how they are transmitted. This learning object is based on information from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Identifying Hand Tools by Function
In this quiz you'll identify common hand tools by their function.
Choosing the Right Fire Extinguisher
Explore the different types of fires and the extinguishers used for each type.
Bloodborne Pathogens: Exposure Control Plan
By Terrance Yonash
Learners examine OSHA's guidelines of what to include in a bloodborne pathogen exposure control plan for persons who work in general industry, health care, emergency medical services, law enforcement, education, recreation industries, or other occupations in which there is a potential for exposure to blood, blood products, bodily fluids, or human tissues.
Industrial Lift Truck Safety: The Stability Triangle
By Terrance Yonash, Dave Bunnow
Learners view animated scenes of problems caused when a lift truck is not operated properly. This object uses audio on some pages.
Lift Truck Inspection
This learning object allows the learner to view a video demonstration of a forklift truck inspection.
Rough Terrain Lift Truck
Learners watch a video of a walk around inspection of a rough terrain lift truck from front to rear. Note: This object contains video clips. High-speed Internet is highly recommended.
Using Fire Extinguishers
By the end of this learning activity, you’ll know how to understand, use, and maintain different types of fire extinguishers.