Calculating Blank Size for Rolled Sheet Metal (Screencast)
In this interactive object, students read how to calculate the blank size for cylinders in a three-roll pinch roller. A calculator is required for the brief quiz that completes the activity.
In this interactive object, learners set up a shear, enter the back gauge dimension, and prepare to shear metal in a simulation of the Adira Hydraulic Shear.
Learners view wire feed power sources ranging from 110-volt, single phase units to 460-volt, three-phase units. A description and photos of each are provided.
Calculating Bend Allowance for Press Brake Forming
Introduces two methods of determining bend allowance; one is simple and is an approximate, the other is more precise. Interactive part has learner calculate bend allowance and blank size.
Picture of Adira hydraulic shear's operator's panel with part identification and instructions on how to start and stop the shear as well as setting stroke (cutting length).
Identifies the parts of the hydraulic press brake featuring the Adira up-acting press brake. Interactive section asks to identify parts after first learning them.