Learners examine an animated motion-controlled robotic arm and observe the operation of a PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control that makes movements quickly without overshooting or having a steady-state error. This activity has audio content.
Trying to write your paper but you’ve gotten stuck? Explore Mind Mapping! This creative technique helps you explore what you already know, lets you see how your ideas are tied together, and gets you writing quickly.
Learners click on the root word of a medical term in the left-hand column and drag it to its definition in the right-hand column. There is a time limit, so students will need to train themselves to recognize these root words quickly. Students may repeat the activity as often as they wish. A total of 74 terms are given in random order.
Writers block happens to all of us. Homework block is even worse. If you’re stuck on how to get started, watch this video to explore how to generate ideas for speeches, papers, and projects quickly and effectively.