In this interactive object, learners identify the elements of the Windows platform in a drag-and-drop exercise.
By Dawn Matott
In this learning activity, you'll explore the Immediate Window including what is it and how you use it?
By carlfranklin
In this learning activity you'll interact with the Johari Window to illustrate how willing you are to disclose information.
By Kathy Henning
In this screencast, you will see how the Johari Window works when determining a relationship with someone.
In this screencast, learners examine hearing and balance. Detailed drawings of the outer, middle, and inner ear structures are included.
By Barbara Liang
In this interactive exercise, learners label the components of a workstation, a Windows desktop, and an application window.
By Dar DeBruin-Hein
In this learning activity you'll learn what Zip files are, their origins, and how to work with them in Windows.