The learner reads about the kinds of questions that are most effective to use on student questionnaires evaluating instruction. Generic evaluations are less helpful than evaluations focused on the specific types of instruction and learning expected in a content area. Sample questions are provided.
Learners listen to an office conversation. They then review tips on how to improve the feedback they give others and practice writing a response based on the conversation they heard.
Learners examine the function of each part of a microscope and follow step-by-step instructions on how to focus on a specimen. They also review the proper use and care of a microscope and test their knowledge in two drag-and-drop exercises.
Learners will write effective business messages that incorporate a second-person point of view and focus on the benefit to the reader. This approach is often used to create positive messages, neutral messages, and inquiry messages in business settings.
2D and 3D views used to help convey information from a drafter or designer to the welder are provided. This activity will focus on a three-step block. A short quiz to test your ability to correctly read this information follows.
2D and 3D views used to help convey information from a drafter or designer to the welder are provided. This activity will focus on a mounting wedge. A short quiz to test your ability to correctly read this information follows.
2D and 3D views used to help convey information from a drafter or designer to the welder are provided. This activity will focus on a slotted block. A short quiz to test your ability to correctly read this information follows.
In this colorful, interactive object, learners examine how materials on the nanoscale compare with those on the macroscale. The focus is on the difference between macroscale and nanoscale gold in both color and melting point.
2D and 3D views used to help convey information from a drafter or designer to the welder are provided. This activity will focus on a holder. A short quiz to test your ability to correctly read this information follows.
Learners look through a telescope to see what a company chooses to focus on when making decisions about productivity, reducing waste, retraining, solving problems, and motivating employees.
Bloom's Taxonomy for Affective Learning and Teaching
This lesson focuses on the affective domain, which refers to attitudes of awareness, interest, attention, concern and responsibility. Users quiz themselves on their basic understanding of the content.
Students view a video that shows the correct methods for starting a GTAW weld pool and adding filler. It focuses on the two problems that many students have – adding filler too soon and angling the torch so that the filler melts prematurely on the filler rod. Note: This activity is 3.6 mb.