Bloom's Taxonomy For Cognitive Learning and Teaching (Screencast)
The users of this learning object read a brief introduction to the six levels of Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy and quiz themselves on a basic understanding of the levels.
Bloom's Taxonomy for Affective Learning and Teaching
This lesson focuses on the affective domain, which refers to attitudes of awareness, interest, attention, concern and responsibility. Users quiz themselves on their basic understanding of the content.
Questioning Clue: Are You an Effective Questioner?
In this interactive object, learners solve a school mystery by identifying the "suspects" in the hierarchy of questioning: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. This activity was designed for teachers and instructional assistants.
This learning activity will help you determine which verb to use to best match the competency you are creating. Instructors who are writing or revising courses will find this a valuable resource.