Conflict Resolution Styles
By robin rathsack
In this learning activity you'll read about Robert Maddux's conflict model and then apply what you've learned to an interactive exercise.
Self-Awareness Inventory
By Robert Mitchell
Identify your self-awareness score. In this learning activity, you'll answer 24 questions that attempt to measure three factors relating to self-awareness: introspection, public self-consciousness, and social anxiety.
Overcoming Barriers to Critical Thinking: Being Human
By Therese Nemec
The learner will identify ways to overcome barriers to critical thinking and problem-solving including false memories, personal biases and prejudices, and physical and emotional hindrances.
Barriers to Critical Thinking: Use of Language
Learners examine how language can interfere with clear communication. They select examples of ambiguity, assuring expressions, doublespeak euphemisms, jargon, emotive content, false implications, meaningless comparisons, and vagueness. In an interactive exercise, learners identify ways to overcome these barriers.
Dr. Cecil's Psychology Series: Personality Disorder Softball
By Jeffrey McDonald
Learners review descriptions of 10 personality disorders and then test their knowledge in an interactive softball game.
Understanding the Principle of Motivation
In this learning activity you'll match a scenario to Maslow's Principle of Motivation. You'll understand the differences between each step in the hierarchy.
Barriers to Critical Thinking: People-Related Obstacles
The learner will identify barriers to critical thinking related to internal and external factors after viewing scenarios.
Evaluate Your Stress Journal
By Kathy Lich
In this learning activity you'll evaluate your stress journals by responding to questions to identify potential stressors of their future careers and personal lives.
Overcoming Barriers to Critical Thinking: People-Related Obstacles
The learner will identify techniques to use to overcome people-related barriers to critical thinking.
Monitoring Your Stress Level
In this learning activity you'll explore the benefits of journaling to evaluate levels of stress. You can personalize the design of your own journal and print it for immediate use.
In this learning activity you'll be explore independent and cooperative learning strategies to support retention of the material.
Barriers to Critical Thinking: Being Human
The learner will explore basic human limitations that create barriers to critical thinking including selective thinking, false memories, and perceptual limitations.
Decision Making Methods
In this learning activity you'll complete eight methods of making decisions by identifying advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Key Terms on Motivation
In this learning activity you'll match definitions of motivational terms with terms and concepts found in a puzzle.
International Communication
In this learning activity you'll discover different communication styles from around the world.
Stress Moderators
In this learning activity you'll practice applying information about stress moderators to your personal life.
North American and East Asian Customs
By Virginia Kirsch
In this learning activity you'll discover different cultural traditions between East Asian people and North Americans.
Interactions With Customers
In this learning activity you'll examine the difference between two types of interactions with customers, encounters and relationships.
Identifying Stress in Your Life
In this learning activity you'll apply knowledge about eustress to high and low stressors in your life.
Motivation Bike Theory
Learners see and hear how motivation on the job can be compared to the use of a bicycle. They then write an explanation of how this theory can be applied to a situation in their own workplace.
Learning Styles
In this learning activity you'll discover different learning styles and apply their strategies to your personal learning style.
In this learning activity you'll analyze the impact of various factors in their lives. They are then transformed by a new identity. They analyze the potential impact of this new identity and compare it to their initial lives.
What Is Stress?
In this activity you'll explain the stress in your life. You'll also identify ways to reduce stress and handle your current levels of stress.
Mini-Lecture: Transactional Analysis/Ego States
By Mary Fehrer-Williams
In this learning activity, you'll identify behaviors of the three ego states and practices their use.
Model of Memory
In this learning activity you'll apply chunking to memory formation and retrieval. You'll test your ability to memorize a series of numbers with and without the chunking method.