Discover the fascinating intersection of veterinary science and human medicine in this module. "Can Animal Studies Predict Human Results?" Dive into groundbreaking research and ethical debates as we explore how animal testing influences the future of medical breakthroughs by unraveling the complexities of animal and human testing.
Overcoming Barriers to Critical Thinking: Being Human
The learner will identify ways to overcome barriers to critical thinking and problem-solving including false memories, personal biases and prejudices, and physical and emotional hindrances.
The learner will explore basic human limitations that create barriers to critical thinking including selective thinking, false memories, and perceptual limitations.
Learners examine OSHA's guidelines of what to include in a bloodborne pathogen exposure control plan for persons who work in general industry, health care, emergency medical services, law enforcement, education, recreation industries, or other occupations in which there is a potential for exposure to blood, blood products, bodily fluids, or human tissues.
Barriers to Critical Thinking: Basic Human Limitations
Learners examine seven basic human limitations that prevent people from seeing or understanding the world with total clarity. In an interactive exercise, learners identify ways to overcome those barriers to critical thinking.
In this interactive learning activity, learners explore factors that contribute to the aging process. Learners calculate their age based on biological, psychological, and social experiences. Further reflection allows the learner to consider options and assess issues that impact the aging process.
In this interactive object, learners examine the locations of major body cavities and their protective membranes. A drag-and-drop exercise completes the activity.
Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary for the Parts of the Human Body
Using 10 views of the male and female body, learners match Mandarin Chinese words to the body parts they identify. After the part has been correctly named, learners click on the Mandarin Chinese term to hear it pronounced. This activity is particularly helpful for health care professionals.
Learners listen to an explanation of how to perform an inventory of a farm business. They then list their hard assets and human resources by completing worksheets that they save to their personal computers.