Microbial Flora in Body Sites
By Dawn Madl
In an interactive exercise, learners identify the human body sites that harbor a normal resident flora and the sites that are sterile.
Eukaryotic Cells: Assembling the Cell
By Kristine Snow
In this interactive object, learners read the definitions of the parts of a cell and assemble a basic eukaryotic cell in a drag and drop exercise. A matching quiz involving cell terms and their definitions completes the activity.
Gram Stain Procedure (Screencast)
Learners view video clips demonstrating Gram's staining procedure. Correctly stained slides are shown.
Acid-Fast Staining
Learners view video clips demonstrating acid-fast staining procedures. Correctly stained slides are shown. The learning object includes two matching exercises.
Categories of Acquired Immunity
In this learning activity you'll evaluate the immune response including active, passive, natural, and artificial immunity.
Metabolic Pathways
By Elizabeth Yoon
In this screencast, learners categorize different metabolic activities as catabolic or anabolic and follow a glucose molecule through the processes of glycolysis, aerobic respiration, and fermentation.
Antibiotic Susceptibility
In this learning activity you'll investigate the interaction of antimicrobial therapies and host defenses in eliminating an infection.
Host Defense
By Kristine Snow, Judy North
The student categorizes defense mechanisms as specific or non-specific.
Virus Particles: Structure and Function
In this learning activity you'll assembles parts of a virus and match virus terms and descriptions.
Helpful Microbes in Your Daily Life (Screencast)
In this screencast, learners read how microbes in such items as yogurt, bread, insulin, and insect sprays improve our lives.
By Donna Matusewic
Students read a description of audiograms. They review audiograms representing various degrees and types of hearing loss.
Components of a Prokaryote (Screencast)
In this learning activity you'll assemble the components of a prokaryotic cell and match the names and functions with each structure.
In this learning activity you'll analyze the basic steps in conjugation and applies the effect to microbial characteristics.
Parasite Matching Exercises
Learners match the names of parasitic organisms to the diseases they cause and the modes of transmission.
Mannitol Salt Agar
In this overview, students examine and identify mannitol positive and mannitol negative bacteria on mannitol salt agar.
Virus Matching Exercises
Learners complete two exercises. In the first quiz, they divide viruses into two categories: RNA and DNA. They later match each virus with the disease it causes.
Fungal Disease Matching Exercises
By Marise Hussey
Learners test their knowledge of fungal diseases by completing six exercises.
Endospores (Screencast)
Learners read about endospores and view video clips demonstrating spore staining procedures. Correctly stained slides are shown.
"I Want to Be Well" Case 3: Respiratory Pathogens
In this learning activity you'll make observations and formulate an evaluation including diagnosis and microorganism identification.
"I Want to Be Well" Case 4: Parasitology -- "I Can't Sleep."
Students make observations and formulate an evaluation that includes diagnosis and microorganism identification and treatment.
Learners read about audiological tests including pure tone testing, air conduction, bone conduction, Speech Reception Threshold, and Speech Discrimination Score. They listen to sounds and words recorded at different decibel levels and see a graphic representation of decibel ranges. A brief review concludes the activity.
Etiologic Agents of Bacterial Diseases
In this interactive object, learners match the bacterial etiologic agent to the disease it causes.
"I Want to Be Well" Case 1: Respiratory Pathogens
In this learning activity you'll observe information and formulate an evaluation that includes diagnosis and microorganism identification.
Test Your Knowledge of Miscellaneous Bacteria
Learners match diseases with their portals of entry, causative agents, and associated vectors.
Urine Colony Counts (Screencast)
Learners watch a brief video clip. They then follow step-by-step instructions on how to do a urine colony count and examine the criteria for determining if a colony count represents an infection. A brief quiz completes the object.